He chose a book at a venture from the shelves 他从书架上随便挑了一本书。
You do not assume , indeed , the solemnity of the pulpit , or the tone of stage - declamation ; neither are you at liberty to gabble on at a venture , without emphasis or discretion , or to resort to vulgar dialect or clownish pronunciation 当然,你无须像在教堂里讲道或在舞台上朗诵那样拿腔作势;然而,你也不可不分轻重,不讲分寸,信口哇啦哇啦,再不然就乞灵于粗俗方言和油腔滑调。
Huck was in a close place - the inquiring eye was upon him - he would have given anything for material for a plausible answer - nothing suggested itself - the inquiring eye was boring deeper and deeper - a senseless reply offered - there was no time to weigh it , so at a venture he uttered it - feebly 哈克被逼问得够呛老人用质疑的眼光盯着他他真愿用一切来换一个似乎能站住脚的答复可就是想不出来怎么说好质疑的眼睛盯得他入骨三分他不知不觉地想出了理由这由不得他再三斟酌。
at a ventureとは意味:冒険的{ぼうけん てき}に、運を天に任せて、山勘{やまかん}で、でたらめに、当てずっぽうで、目の不自由{ふじゆう}な人滅法に(不適切語)